hey hey hey= word of the day

Today, eight days ago was september 11th 2001. that was one of the saddest tragety that ever happened to America alot of people ar affected by this because maybe they lost a family member or friend or they feeel bad for the families of those that died in the plane crashes. i know i am blessed to know that my dad made it back home safely because when i heard the news about the towers i cried because my dad was oon a plane to New York and i thought it was the plane he took. but i am truely blessed that my father is alive and well and also MY HEART GOES OUT TO THE FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO DIED ON SEPTEMBER 11TH 2009. and i hoped you took time out of today like out school did to remember those on those planes and those in the building and families remember your loved ones and think about the good things about them and i hope you have a blessed day.

Myy football team had a game today for varsity but we lost to a school that had beaten us for the past four years and we lost by two points. we should have one but the refdidnt count the last touchdown we made because of something i dont remember... but anyways it was a good game pbut now im in my bed waiting for what tommorow will bring and wat i will face next. just take it a day at a time. GodBless . Peace.


daniel said...

yo your right your blog is really dope. you no what i will follow you if you follow me. and i have this post called (IN TO MY MIND) i just talk about what i did 2day and what are sum things am going to blog about and stuff and sum up and comeing things i have going on. if you follow me i will promote your blog to help you out.

~YoungROI XOXO said...

aight cool thats dope ill follow

daniel said...

alright now am following you now soo look out for my IN TO MY MIND post i will shout you out.